Legal Assistance



Civil Law
Commercial law
Labor Law
Bankruptcy law
Administrative law
Intervention in any issue of a judicial nature


a) Contracts

Preparation of general conditions of contract
Consulting – assistance
Purchase and sale of products and services
Production and supply of tangible and intangible assets

b) Credits recovery

Management of the business credits

c) Analysis of the normative and the jurisprudential precedents

Consultancy for the adjustment to laws and regulations
Prevention controversies

d) Settlements and conciliatory procedures – arbitration

Preparation of agreements
Trade union conciliations
Mediations and conciliations

e) Criminal

Offences against the P.A.
Administrative responsibility for crime, economy, enterprise

f) International

Community law
International Law

Incorporation of companies with foreign capital in Italy and with Italian capital abroad

International legal advisory: 

Community law
International Law
Incorporation of companies with foreign capital in Italy and with Italian capital abroad