The facilities are aimed at those under 46 who:

are resident in Abruzzo, Basilicata, Calabria, Campania, Molise, Puglia, Sardinia and Sicily at the time of submitting the application transfer residence in these regions after the communication of positive outcome do not have an open-ended employment relationship for the entire duration of funding are not already holders of other business activities in operation

(for self-employed professionals): they are not holders of a VAT number, in the twelve months prior to submission of the application, for carrying out an activity similar to that for which they are requesting subsidies.

Companies, including cooperatives, sole proprietorships established after the date of June 21, 2017, or teams of persons that are established within 60 days (or 120 if resident abroad) after the positive outcome of the assessment may apply for funding.



Start entrepreneurial initiatives for:

– the production of goods in the sectors of industry, handicrafts, processing of agricultural products, fishing and aquaculture – the provision of services to businesses and people – tourism.


WHAT TO FINANCE – Restructuring or extraordinary maintenance of property – maximum 30% of the expenditure program – machinery, plant and equipment new – computer programs and services for technology, information and telecommunications (ICT) – other expenses useful to the start of the activity (raw materials, consumables, utilities and rents, leasing fees, insurance guarantees) – maximum 20% of the expenditure program. Expenditure on planning, consultancy and personnel costs are not eligible.


FACILITIES The facilities consist of a loan to cover 100% of expenses, divided into: – a non-repayable contribution up to 35% of the expenditure program – a bank loan, of 65%, granted by a credit institution participating in the agreement between Invitalia and ABI, guaranteed by the Guarantee Fund for SMEs. The bank loan must be repaid in 8 years and benefits from an interest rate subsidy that fully covers the interest on the loan. On the website www.invitalia.it it is possible to consult the list of the banks adhering to the Invitalia – ABI convention to which to apply for bank financing.